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Seoane Pinilla, Julio . (1997) El malestar de la democracia. RESEÑA de : SANDEL, MICHAEL J. Democracy's Discontent. America in Searcht of a Public Philosophy. Cambridge : The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1996..  1.39 489 392
Read, Timothy . (1998) RESEÑA de : Mackenzie, Ann L. Spain and its Literature : Essays in Memory of E. Allison Peers. Liverpool : Liverpool University Press, 1997.  1.12 480 527
Alba Pelayo, María Asunción . (2002) RESEÑA de : Whiston, James. Antonio Machado's Writings and the Spanish Civil War. Liverpool : University Press, 1996.  1.12 486 374
Arribas, José M. . (2017) RESEÑA de: Green, Nancy L. & Waldinger, Roger (Ed.): A century of transnationalism. Immigrants and their homeland connections. University of Illinois Press, 2016. 280. pp..  1.12 419 52
Rodríguez-Izquierdo Serrano, Myriam . (2014) RESEÑA de: Piris, Jean-Claude. The future of Europe : towards a two speed EU?. Cambridge : Cambridge University-Press, 2012..  1.12 420 237
Oñoro Otero, Cristina . (2016) RESEÑA de: Egger, Carole. Théâtre et métathéâtre dans l’oeuvre de Luis Riaza. Strasbourg: Presses Universitaires de Strasbourg, 2014.  1.12 499 174
Arroyo Vozmediano, Julio Luis . (2009) RESEÑA de : Allen, Robert C. The British Industrial Revolution In Global Perspective. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2009.  1.12 544 1856
Lawrence, Adam . (2009) RESEÑA de : MacKenzie, Donald. Material markets : how economic agents are constructed. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009.  1.12 327 581
Gibert-Maceda, María Teresa . (1997) RESEÑA de : Ibarrola, Aitor (ed.). Fiction and Ethnicity in Northamerica : Problems of History, Genre and Assimilation. Bilbao : Uncilla Press, 1995.  1.12 514 683
Martínez, José Antonio . (1994) RESEÑA de : Sen, Amartya. Inequality reexamined. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1992.  1.12 422 162
Wiesse-Rebagliati, Jorge . (2012) RESEÑA de: Cousins, A. D. ; Howarth, Peter (editores). The Cambridge Companion to the sonnet. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2011..  1.12 332 138
Alba Pelayo, María Asunción . (1997) RESEÑA de : Myers, Kathleen. Word from New Spain : The Spiritual Autobiography of Madre María de San José (1656-1719). Hispanic Studies TRAC (Textual Research and Criticism), Volume 4. Liverpool : University Press, 1993.  1.12 552 341
Fernández-Medina,Nicolás . (2008) RESEÑA de : Romero López, Dolores (ed.). Soledades, de Antonio Machado. Exeter: Exeter University Press, 2006..  1.12 410 456
Fernández, Hugo . (2014) RESEÑA de : McKinney, Mark (ed.): History and Politics in French-Language Comics and Graphic Novels. The University Press of Mississippi, 2008..  1.12 549 298
Carreras Béjar, Carmen . (2011) RESEÑA de : Byers, Nina; Williams, Gary (eds.). Out of the shadows : contributions of Twentieth-Century Women to Physics. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2006.  1.12 533 476
Prévost, Jean-Guy . (2009) RESEÑA de : Ziliak, Stephen T.; Mccloskey, Deirdre N. The cult of statistical significance : how the standard error costs us jobs, justice, and lives. Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Press, 2008.  1.12 404 194
Lima Torrado, Jesús . (2003) RESEÑA de : Hardt, M.; Negri, A. Empire. Cambridge, Massachussets: Harvard University Press, 2002. (Traducción castellana: Imperio. Barcelona: Paidos, 2002)..  1.12 480 107
Martí Sánchez, Sylvia . (2015) RESEÑA de: Mehring, Reinhard, Carl Schmitt: Una biografía, Polity Press, Cambridge, 2014, 1.ª edición, 700 págs..  1.12 593 287
Carrasco García, Gonzalo . (2009) RESEÑA de : Arnold, John H. What is Medieval History?. Cambridge : Polity Press, 2008..  1.12 458 424
Barbut, Marc . (2010) RESEÑA de : Selz, Marion; Maillochon, Florence. Le raisonnement statistique en sociologie. París : Presses Universitaires de France, série Licence (Sociologie), 2009.  1.12 515 100
Rivera Castro, Faviola . (2003) La justicia como equidad, políticamente revisada. RESEÑA de : Rawls, John. Justice as Fairness: A Restatement. Cambridge, Mass. : University Press, 2001..  1.12 527 321
García Hernán, Enrique . (2015) RESEÑA de : Duffy, Eamon. Fires of Faith : Catholic England under Mary Tudor. New Haven ; London : Yale University Press, 2009..  1.12 448 89
Serrano Maíllo, Alfonso . (2016) RESEÑA de: Frierson, Patrick R. Kant’s empirical psychology, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2014, 278 páginas. ISBN: 978-1-107-03265-1..  1.12 530 124
Elizondo Mayer-Serra, Carlos . (1996) ¿Posesión de sí? RESEÑA de: COHÉN, GERALD A . Self-ownership, freedom and equality. Cambridge University Press, 1995..  1.12 399 259
Álvarez, María Antonia . (1996) RESEÑA de : Niranjana, Tejaswini. Siting Translation : History, Post-structuralism, and the Colonial Content. Berkeley; Los Ángeles; California : University of California Press, 1991.  1.12 441 319
Quesada Alcalá, Carmen . (2004) RESEÑA de: Cassese, Antonio. Internacional Criminal Law. Oxford: University Press, 2003.  1.12 498 150
Andreu Pintado, Javier . (2007) RESEÑA de : Carroll, Maurren. Spirits of the dead : roman funerary commemoration in western Europe. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2006.  1.12 494 666
Gibert-Maceda, María Teresa . (1996) RESEÑA de : Palmer, Marja. Men and Women in T.S. Eliot's Early Poetry. Lund : Lund University Press, 1996.  1.12 521 388
Gibert-Maceda, María Teresa . (1994) RESEÑA de: Thormahlen, Marianne. Rochester : The Poems in Context. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1993.  1.12 419 235
Gibert-Maceda, María Teresa . (1998) RESEÑA de : Atwood, Margaret; Weawer, Robert (eds.). The New Oxford Book of Canadian Short Stories in English. Toronto; Oxford; New York: Oxford University Press, 1997.  1.12 535 385
Torres Lara, Agustina . (1996) RESEÑA de : Mackenzie, Ann L. Francisco de Rojas Zorilla y Agustín Moreto : análisis. Liverpool : University Press, 1994.  1.12 467 359
Núñez Díaz, Pablo . (2014) Algunas muestras de literatura autobiográfica en la prensa española (1975-2010) = Some samples of autobiographical literature in the Spanish press (1975-2010).  1.12 572 291
Garcia, Marie-Carmen . (2010) RESEÑA de : Hammouche, Abdelhafid. Les recompositions culturelles : sociologie des dynamiques sociales en situation migratoire. Estrasburgo (Francia) : Presses universitaires de Strasbourg, 2007.  1.12 453 117
Hermida Lazcano, Pablo . (1995) RESEÑA de : Rodríguez Huéscar, Antonio. José Ortega y Gasset's metaphysical innovation : a critique and overcoming of idealism. New York : State University of New York Press, 1995.  1.12 572 425
Morente, Fran . (2017) RESEÑA de: Becker, Howard S. (2017): Evidence. Chicago y Londres: University of Chicago Press, 240 pp..  1.12 419 94
Gibert-Maceda, María Teresa . (1992) RESEÑA de : Hutcheon, Linda. Splitting images : Contemporary Canadian fronies. Toronto : Oxford : New York : Oxford University Press, 1991.  1.12 508 227
Serrano Maíllo, Alfonso . (2010) RESEÑA de: Daems, Tom. "Making sense of penal change". Oxford y New York: Oxford University Press, 2008.  1.12 444 313
Álvarez, María Antonia . (1993) RESEÑA de : Nida, Eugene A. Language Structure and Translation. Stanford (California): Standford University Press, 1991 (1982).  1.12 694 223
Rodríguez Zepeda, Jesús . (2000) El Rawls que faltaba. RESEÑA de : Rawls, John. Collected Papers. Harvard University Press, 1999..  1.12 473 259
Álvarez, María Antonia . (1993) RESEÑA de : Schulte, Rainer; Biguenet, Joan (eds.). Theories of Translation : An Anthology of Essays from Dryden to Derrida. Chicago; Londres : The University of Chicago Press, 1992.  1.12 476 738
Arribas Macho, José María . (2010) RESEÑA de : Prevost, Jean-Guy. A total science : statistics in liberal and fascist Italy. McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2009.  1.12 500 84
Arribas Macho, José María . (2015) RESEÑA de: Roger Waldinger (2015): The cross-border connection. Inmigrants, Emigrants and their homelands. Harvard University Press.  1.12 543 64
Serrano Maíllo, Alfonso . (2009) RESEÑA de: Goode, Eric; Out of order : Assessing the general theory of crime. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press, 2008 (270 páginas)..  1.12 505 259
Campuzano Medina, Carmen . (1989) RESEÑA de : Aldgate, Anthony. Cinema and History. British Newsreeis and the Spanish Civil War. London : Scolar Press, 1979.  1.12 437 206
Guzmán García, Helena . (1998) RESEÑA de : Easterling, P.E. (ed.). The Cambridge Companion to Greek Tragedy.Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 1997.  1.12 461 426
Alviz Fernández, Marco . (2014) RESEÑA de: Temin, Peter: The Roman Market Economy, Princeton University Press, Princeton 2012.  1.12 442 171
Pérez Cortés, Sergio . (1996) La virginidad de Foucault. GOLDHILL, SIMÓN. Foucault's Virginity: ancient erotic fiction and the history of sexuality. Cambridge University Press, 1995..  1.12 430 813
Castro Correa, Ainoa . (2015) RESEÑA de : Davies, Wendy. Acts of giving: individual, community, and church in tenth-century Christian Spain. Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2007.  1.12 647 194
García Cotarelo, Ramón . (1979) RESEÑA de : Brown, Bernard E. Eurocommunism and Eurosocialism. The Left Confronts Modemity. Nueva York: Circo Press, 1979.  1.12 406 272
Rabotnikof, Nora . (1998) Una izquierda política para una política de izquierda. RESEÑA de : RORTY, RICHARD. Achieving our Country. Harvard University Press, 1998.  1.12 427 400

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