Search Results (All Fields:"presse", Date:" [2022\-01\-01T00\:00\:00Z TO 2022\-12\-31T00\:00\:00Z] ")

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Maza Calleja, Juan. (2022). Imaginando África. Un caso de Estudio: Agence France Presse Master Thesis, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia (España). Facultad de Filosofía. Departamento de Antropología Social y Cultural  0.88 58 30
Pérez-Accino Picatoste, José Ramón y Vivas Sainz, Inmaculada (2022). An Intriguing Feminine Figure in the Royal Cachette Wadi: New Findings from the C2 Project. En An Intriguing Feminine Figure in the Royal Cachette Wadi: New Findings from the C2 Project (pp. -) American University of Cairo Press.  0.78 41  
Sainz, Mario, García-Castro, Juan Diego, Jiménez-Moya, Gloria y Lobato, Roberto M. . (2022) How do people understand the causes of poverty and wealth? A revised structural dimensionality of the attributions about poverty and wealth scales.  0.65 33 82
Fernández García, Sandra y Sánchez Valle, Francisco . (2022) "Informal Infrastructure" of Prototyping: Practicing Organisation by Performing Materiality.  0.65 110 31
Patel, Rita R., Sundberg, Johan, Gill, Brian y Filipa M.B., Lã . (2022) Glottal airflow and glottal area waveform characteristics of flow phonation in untrained vocally healthy adults.  0.65 64 87
Cabanas, Edgar y González-Lamas, Jara . (2022) A critical review of positive education: challenges and limitations.  0.60 45 80
Caballero , Amparo, Villar , Sergio, Itziar, Fernández Sedano, Sevillano, Verónica, Gavilán, Pablo y Carrera, Pilar . (2022) Disentangling Emotions during the Coronavirus Outbreak in Spain: Inner Emotions, Descriptive Feeling Rules and Socioemotional Conventions.  0.58 47 14
Morentin Encina, Javier, Noguera Pigem, Elena y Barba Núñez, María . (2022) Inclusion as a Value in Participation: Children’s Councils in Spain..  0.55 65 19
Rosenberg, Susanne, Sundberg, Johan y Filipa M.B., Lã . (2022) Kulning: Acoustic and Perceptual Characteristics of a Calling Style Used Within the Scandinavian Herding Tradition.  0.55 60 45
Filipa M.B., Lã, Ramírez, Ana M., Ardura, Diego, Fiuza, Mauro B. y Polo, Nuria . (2022) Menopausal Voice-Related Work Limitation Scale (MenoVWL): development and validation.  0.50 76 23